Thursday, July 19, 2012

28 Days Before

Hello Everyone!

This is my "introductory" post. I will be updating LOTS over the next few months as I explore Thailand and the life-changing experience God has called me to.

I wanted to explain the title of the blog. The verse, John 13:7 is in the middle of the story of Jesus washing the disciples feet:

Jesus, having wrapped a towel around himself, stooped down to the ground and began to wash his follower's feet. Eventually he gets to Peter who asks him, confused, "Lord, do you wash my feet?"

In my head, I can see Jesus smiling lovingly at Peter, and saying this verse, John 13:7--

Jesus answered him, “What I am doing you do not understand now, but afterward you will understand.” (ESV)

Lately, God has been drastically transforming my mind, and allowing me to experience his grace in ways I never dreamed of. Getting the opportunity to fly off to Thailand is just one of the many blessings he has poured out on me.

As the verse implies, I have NO clue what Thailand is going to be like, how 'prepared' I will be by the time I land. I have no idea of the ways in which I will be challenged, stretched and convicted...In all honesty, I do not understand why God called me to join GoED this semester.

But I do know that, right now, God is asking me to trust him, and I will gladly place myself (and my dirty feet) in his hands.

As I move forward and while I am gone, your prayers are GREATLY appreciated. Please ask God to surround me with community that orients me to him, to help me to enjoy myself, glorify him in my studies, and be ready and willing to learn all that he and the Thai people have to teach me.

Thanking God for all of you,