Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Lowly

When I was thirteen years old, obsessed with the crush of the month, head banging to emo music, and smoking anything that I got passed…I never thought there was life beyond it.

When I was 16, blinded by the bondages of lies and seeking a something to fill the cross shaped hole in my heart…I never thought there was life beyond it.

Even when I was 17, and the Holy Spirit cleverly pulled back the veil from my eyes, I had no idea what he was actually capable of.

And now, 20, I sit on a matt in the corner of a room next to a stranger who is my friend. Fans momentarily relieve the thick, hot air of Southeast Asia—but not my awe.

My awe at the moment I saw myself teaching Christians thousands of miles from my home about the concept of redemption..and using my life as an example. My awe as their nods confirmed what I never thought could be possible—God has redeemed me. He has taken what was bad and made something very, very good. Very good indeed.

My awe at the position he has put me in, the life he is calling me to and the family, friends and adventure he has blessed me with.

 Psalm 138 says: “For though God is high, he regards the lowly."

…I am most definitely the lowly. 

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